
Invalid Destination
目的地无效Ex quay(warehouse;godown)price
目的地码头(仓库)交货价The Fifth Avenue. (They got there How much is the fare?
第五大街。(到目的地车费是多少Publish destination ends in a slash.
发布目的地必须以一个斜线字符结束。Some things are collected deliberately in the home in an attempt to avoid waste.
居家度日,有目的地收藏某些东西是为了防止浪费。The person who so mutely assaulted him was a figure he had noticed, on reaching his own goal.
这个不发一言向他进攻的人他在一到达目的地时便注意到了。Hub-and-spoke refers to the typically US model of passengers being processed through large
中心辐射(Hub-and-spoke)表示一种典型的美国空中客运模式:乘客在大型的中心机场(hub)之间被运送,然后再转机前往靠近目的地的支线机 EX ship price ; free overside price
目的地船上交货价F.O.B destination point
目的地交货价At what time will we arrive at our destination?
n. 目标;目的地;终点
Enemies and lovers are destined to meet.
不是冤家不聚头。Their attempt is destined to failure.
他们的企图注定要失败。This money is destined for a new house.
这笔钱预备作购买新房之用。But I was destined to be your mama.
但我命中注定是你的母亲。That land is destined for a new hospital.